Tutsis cleared of causing crash that sparked genocide

Tutsis cleared of causing crash that sparked genocide

Tutsis cleared of causing crash that sparked genocide

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 09:04 AM PST

The missile that brought down the plane carrying the president of Rwanda more than 17 years ago was fired from a camp controlled by his own ethnic group and not by Tutsi rebels, attorneys for the rebels said Wednesday.

Could Turkey prevent Mideast catastrophe?

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 11:22 AM PST

Mohammed Ayoob: Turkey, with a foot in both worlds, could be instrumental in preventing a catastrophe between the West and Iran.

'Gitmo' turns 10

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 08:06 AM PST

On January 11, 2002, the first terrorist suspects seized in Pakistan and Afghanistan arrived at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on board a C-141 transport plane.

29 dead in Brazil floods

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 04:48 AM PST

Dozens of people died as heavy rain caused flooding and mudslides in Brazil this week, officials said Tuesday.

Astronomers See More Planets Than Stars in Galaxy

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 12:33 PM PST

The more astronomers look for other worlds, the more they find that it's a crowded and crazy cosmos. They think planets easily outnumber stars in our galaxy and they're even finding them in the strangest of places.

Pakistani soldiers dead in ambush

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 12:44 PM PST

Fourteen Pakistani soldiers are killed in Baluchistan province.

Author admits to female alter ego

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 09:37 AM PST

Boris Akunin, the Russian author of the Erast Fandorin detective series, reveals he has written several books under the female pseudonym Anna Borisova.

Gunmen Attack Bus in Yemen

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 11:28 AM PST

Gunmen in Yemen opened fire on a bus carrying intelligence officers and soldiers in the south of the country, killing one and injuring seven, a security official said.

South Carolina Voters Weigh Priorities

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 12:47 PM PST

In a state of stark differences between haves and have nots, Republican voters are weighing their priorities: economic recovery versus socially conservative concerns.

Egypt parties vow to protect freedoms in constitution

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 12:37 PM PST

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian political parties and religious figures agreed Wednesday to protect civic freedoms in a new constitution, but steered clear of more contentious questions about the future of the nation after the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak.

Ominous turf war in Pakistan

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 12:08 PM PST

Pakistan's powerful military heaps pressure on civilian government

French journalist killed in Syria violence

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 12:36 PM PST

Explosion kills eight, including a French journalist, in Homs as Arab League decides to delay sending more monitors.

Defendant shoots German prosecutor dead in court

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 12:19 PM PST

MUNICH, Germany (Reuters) - A businessman convicted of embezzlement shot dead a prosecutor as his sentence was being read out in a German court Wednesday, police and prosecutors said.

Government suffers Lords defeats

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 12:09 PM PST

The government loses three votes in the House of Lords over aspects of its welfare reform plan.

Ominous turf war in Pakistan

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 12:08 PM PST

Pakistan's powerful military heaps pressure on civilian government

New index ranks countries on nuclear security

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 09:39 AM PST

More than 10 years after the attacks of Sept. 11, the possibility that terrorist groups could obtain nuclear materials seems no less real to security experts, even as the threat posed by al-Qaeda recedes.

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Bradley Manning gets a billboard in Washington

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Bradley Manning has had T-shirts, bumper stickers and posters created in his honor, and now he has a billboard in Washington.

Supporters of the Army private accused of providing a trove of U.S. government secrets to WikiLeaks have erected a billboard along New York Avenue NE in advance of an investigating officer's recommendation on whether Manning should face a court-martial. "Free Bradley Manning," reads the billboard, with a tag­line: "Blowing the whistle on war crimes is not a crime."

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Doomsday Clock ticks closer to midnight

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 11:45 AM PST

By at least one measure, the world just got that much closer to apocalypse.

The Doomsday Clock, a figurative timepiece used as a barometer of humankind's fate, was moved one minute closer to midnight on Tuesday, the first time it has been nudged forward since 2007. It is now 11:55, five minutes before the appointed hour. 

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U.S. rescues Iranians at sea — again

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 11:41 AM PST

U.S. forces rescued six Iranian sailors from a stranded ship Tuesday in the northern Arabian Gulf, the second time in less than a week that Americans have bailed out desperate Iranians at sea.

A U.S. Coast Guard cutter, the Monomoy, picked up the Iranians off the coast of Oman about 3 a.m. Tuesday after their cargo dhow, the Ya-Hussayn, signalled with flares and flashlights that they were having engine trouble, Navy officials said.

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Photo of the Day: What in the world?

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 09:38 AM PST

Somewhere in the world, lovers take the idea of "love forever" so seriously that it is customary for them to engrave their names on a padlock and throw the key into a river.

Although nobody knows exactly how this tradition began, some say it began in the Hungarian city of Pécs (no, that's not where the photograph was shot). According to lore, in the early 1980s lovers began to clamp padlocks to a wrought-iron fence near the Pécs medieval cathedral and threw the key into a river to secure their love forever.

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